The present conditional and the past conditional

The present conditional

The présent du conditionnel (present conditional) has many uses we’ll explore in this chapter. It is formed by adding the endings of the imperfect to the future stem of the verb. For -er and -ir verbs, the future stem is the entire infinitive form. For-re verbs drop the final -e from the infinitive before adding the conditional endings. As you saw in Chapter 9, a number of irregular verbs have an irregular future stem. This same stem is used to form the present conditional.

Mettre -  to put

je mettrais -  I would put

tu mettrais -  you would pu

til/elle mettrait -  he/she would put

nous mettrions -  we would put

vous mettriez -  you would put

ils/elles mettraient -  they would put

faire -  to do

je ferais -  I would do

tu ferais -  you would do

il/elle ferait -  he/she would do

nous ferions -  we would do

vous feriez -  you would do

ils/elles feraient -  they would do

Ces animaux auraient plus à manger dans cette région.

These animals would have more to eat in this region.

Il aimerait avoir une tortue.

He would like to have a turtle.

Dans un monde idéal, il n’y aurait pas de guerres.

In an ideal world, there would be no war.

Dans de telles circonstances, que feriez-vous?

In such circumstances, what would you do?

Uses of the present conditional

The présent du conditionnel is used to express a wish or a suggestion. For exemple:

Je voudrais finir ce projet aussitôt que possible.

I would like to finish this project as soon as possible.

À ta place, je parierais sur ce cheval.

If I were you, I would bet on this horse.

Ce serait génial de pouvoir y aller ensemble.

It would be great to go together.

Il aimerait rencontrer la femme de sa vie.

He would like to meet the woman of his dreams.

The présent du conditionnel is used to make a statement or a request more polite.

Pourriez-vous nous donner votre avis?

Could you give us your opinion?

Voudriez-vous dîner avec nous ce soir?

Would you like to have dinner with us this evening?

Est-ce que tu pourrais me donner un coup de main?

Could you give me a hand?

Est-ce que tu voudrais assister à la réunion?

Would you like to attend the meeting?

The présent du conditionnel is used when a condition is implied. When the main clause is in the présent du conditionnel, the si clause is in the imparfait.

Nous irions à Rome si nous pouvions.

We would go to Rome if we could.

Régis finirait son roman s’il pouvait trouver une maison d’édition.

Régis would finish his novel if he could find a publisher.

Nous aurions un chien si notre appartement était plus grand.

We would have a dog if our apartment were bigger.

Nous viendrions si notre baby-sitter était disponible.

We would come if our babysitter were available.

The présent du conditionnel is also used to express unconfirmed or alleged information. In this case it is called the conditionnel journalistique, seen from time to time in the press or heard on news broadcasts.

La reine d’Angleterre se rendrait en Australie la semaine prochaine.

The Queen of England is reportedly going to Australia next week.

Son beau-frère serait impliqué dans une affaire de fraude fiscale.

His (her) brother-in-law is allegedly involved in tax fraud.

Le président signerait le traité en fin d’après-midi.

The president will reportedly sign the treaty by the end of the afternoon.

Un sous-marin hollandais serait au large des côtes bretonnes.

A Dutch submarine is reportedly off the coast of Brittany.

In formal French, savoir in the présent du conditionnel is the equivalent of pouvoir (can, to be able to) in the present or the simple future.

Je ne saurais vous dire combien j’apprécie votre geste.

I shall never be able to tell you how much I appreciate your gesture.

Je ne saurais vous répondre.

I am afraid I can’t answer. (I wouldn’t know how to answer you.)

The past conditional

The passé du conditionnel (past conditional) expresses what would have happened if another event had taken place, or if certain conditions had or had not been present. It is formed with thepresent conditional of être or avoir and the past participle of the main verb. The rules of agreement common to all compound tenses still apply

.Donner -  to give

j’aurais donné -  I would have given

tu aurais donné -  you would have given

il/elle aurait donné -  he/she would have given

nous aurions donné  - we would have given

vous auriez donné -  you would have given

ils/elles auraient donné -  they would have given

venir -  to come

je serais venu(e) -  I would have come

tu serais venu(e)  - you would have come

il/elle serait venu(e) -  he/she would have come

nous serions venu(e)s -  we would have come

vous seriez venu(e)(s) -  you would have come

ils/elles seraient venu(e)s -  they would have come

Elle aurait accepté votre offre.

She would have accepted your offer.

Nous aurions été déçus.

We would have been disappointed.

Tu aurais ri!You would have laughed!

Ils se seraient mis en colère.

They would have gotten angry.

Uses of the past conditional

The passé du conditionnel can express regret or reproach.Nous aurions voulu y assister.We would have liked to attend.Tu aurais dû arriver plus tôt.You should have arrived earlier.Elle aurait aimé le féliciter.She would have liked to congratulate him.

Cela aurait été tellement plus facile.

It would have been so much easier.

The passé du conditionnel is usually found in sentences where the si (dependent) clause is in the plus-que-parfait.

Elle aurait fini plus tôt si vous l’aviez aidée.

She would have finished earlier if you had helped her.

Je serais arrivé à l’heure s’il y avait eu moins de circulation.

I would have arrived on time if there had been less traffic.

Si le patron n’avait pas voté la délocalisation, l’usine serait restée ouverte.

If the boss had not opted for a relocation, the factory would have stayed open.

Il n’aurait pas tant gagné d’argent s’il était resté à Bordeaux.

He would not have made as much money if he had stayed in Bordeaux.

The passé du conditionnel is used like the present du conditionnel as a conditionnel journalistique to express a statement not necessarily confirmed by authorities. In most cases that imply the English allegedly or reportedly, the conditional (past or present) will be used in French. See the following examples:

Le tremblement de terre aurait fait des milliers de victimes au Mexique.

The earthquake reportedly killed thousands of people in Mexico.

Le président l’aurait gracié.The president reportedly granted him his pardon.

Ce célèbre chanteur français se serait installé en Suisse.

This famous French singer reportedly moved to Switzerland.

Il aurait volé la voiture de son voisin.He allegedly stole his neighbor’s car.

The présent or passé du conditionnel are also used with the expression au cas où (in case).

Au cas où le projet ne serait pas fini cet après-midi, appelez-moi.

In case the project is not finished by this afternoon, call me.

Au cas où ce cadeau ne vous plairait pas, dites-le-moi.

In case you do not like this present, let me know.