The passive voice

A sentence can either be in the active or the passive voice. In the active voice, the subject performs the action, while in the voix passive (passive voice), the subject is acted upon. That is, in the passive voice, the subject and the object exchange roles.Be aware that the passive voice is much more common in English than in French. In French, one tends to use the active voice.Compare the active and the passive voices.

The active voice:

Les croisés envahissent le pays.The crusaders are invading the country.La souris mange le fromage.The mouse eats the cheese.

The passive voice:

Le pays est envahi par les croisés.The country is being invaded by the crusaders.Le fromage est mangé par la souris.The cheese is being eaten by the mouse.

Formation of the passive voice

The passive voice is formed with être in the tense required +the past participle of the main verb.

il est construit

it is (being) built

il a été construit

it has been built

il était construit

it was built

il fut construit

it was built

il sera construit

it will be built

il serait construit

it would be built

The agent with par and with de in the passive voice

In most cases, the agent is introduced by par.

Ce rapport a été fait par un consultant américain.

This report was written by an American consultant.

Cette bague a été retrouvée par la police.

This ring was found by the police.

Ce manoir a été construit par une famille fortunée.

This mansion was built by a wealthy family.

Ces éditoriaux seront écrits par notre rédacteur en chef.

These editorials will be written by our editor in chief.

However, the preposition de is commonly used after verbs expressing emotion or opinion.

Ce professeur est apprécié de ses étudiants.

This teacher is appreciated by his students.

Ce gérant est estimé de ses employés.

This manager is respected by his employees.

That is, when the voix passive is followed by the preposition de (rather than par), the agent plays a less active role.

Le voleur est suivi de ses complices.

The thief is followed by his accomplices.

Le voleur est suivi par la police.

The thief is followed by the police.

Le château est entouré de douves.

The castle is surrounded by a moat.

Le château est entouré par les envahisseurs.

The castle is surrounded by the invaders.

Uses of the passive voice

The voix passive is used to emphasize the subject.

Une écharpe blanche a été retrouvée sur les lieux du crime.

A white scarf was found on the crime scene.

Le témoignage de M. Baulieu a été entendu ce matin.

Mr. Baulieu’s testimony was heard this morning.

The voix passive is also used to avoid specifying the agent of the action.

Aucune décision ne sera prise avant l’arrivée du nouveau directeur.

No decision will be made before the new director’s arrival.

Son incompétence a été très remarquée.

His incompetence was clearly noticed.

Aucun rapport n’a été envoyé.

No report was sent.

Avoiding the passive voice in French

The voix passive can be replaced by the active voice in French with the following reflexive verbs: se laisser, se faire, se voir, s’entendre dire. Note the passive voice forms in the English translations.

Elle s’est fait faire une robe pour son mariage.

She had a dress made for her wedding.

Il s’est vu contraint d’accepter.

He found himself forced to accept.

Ils se sont laissé influencer très facilement.

They let themselves be influenced very easily. In Chapter 6, you studied one type of pronominal verb called the passive pronominal. This construction is another example of the voix passive.

Ça ne se dit pas.

That isn’t said.

Comment ça se traduit?

How is it translated?

Ça se voit.It shows.

Le vin blanc se boit frais.

White wine is to be drunk chilled.

French often prefers to use the third-person singular form on rather than the passive voice construction.

Ici, on parle anglais.

English is spoken here.

On vous demande au téléphone.

You are wanted on the phone.